Chairman's News Letter June 2019


The cruise ship season is over and a huge thankyou to all those who have worked on the trains between October 2018 and April 2019.

Here are some interesting statistics: -     

  • 114 Ship Calls

  • 19,500 Cruise Passengers

  • 15,000 Volunteer Hours

 A very special thankyou to Sarah Kennelly for all the work she undertook organising the rosters and the Trust were very disappointed when she left Dunedin Railways earlier this year.


Many of you will be wondering what has happened since the special meeting in September of last year — for the Executive it has been a nightmare as the base keeps changing and no decision has been achieved. A dialogue has reopened with Dunedin City Holdings and the pressure has been put on them to resolve the original request of the Trust. One can only wait and see if a solution can be put in place. The Trust is disappointed that is all we can report.


 Another small reminder to those who have not paid their current subscriptions — payment would be appreciated please.

The date for the Annual General Meeting has been finalised - Tuesday 10th September in the Alexander McMillan Room in the Community House in Moray Place commencing at 7 30p.m.

The following stand down as their two-year term will have been completed and are available for re-election:

  • Pat Beman

  • John Chapman

  • John Pritchard

  • Murray Schofield.

 Nomination Forms must be in the hands of the Secretary Murray by the 10th August and accompanied by a 100 word CV

David Wood